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Research Paper | Obstetrics and Gynecology | India | Volume 9 Issue 8, August 2020 | Rating: 6.8 / 10
Maternal Mortality in a Tertiary Care Hospital: A 5 - Year Review
Dr. Vijay Kumar Saini, Dr. B. S. Jodha
Abstract: Background; Epidemiological data pertaining to maternal mortality is valuable in each set up to design interventional programs to favourably reduce the ratio. This study was done to evaluate the maternal mortality rate in our hospital, to assess the epidemiological aspects and causes of maternal mortality, and to suggest recommendations for improvement. Methods; This was a 5 year retrospective study. Epidemiological data was collected from the hospital register and maternal mortality ratio, epidemiological factors and causes affecting maternal mortality were assessed. Results; During the study period, January 2015 to December 2019, there have been a complete of 106471 live births and 166 maternal deaths. The mean maternal mortality ratio within the study period was 155.90/100000 live births. Maximum maternal deaths (41.56 %) were reported within the age bracket of 20 to 24 years. More deaths were reported in multiparous women (63.25 %) as compared to Primiparas. (36.74 %), More maternal deaths were reported in women from rural areas (68.07 %) as compared to women from urban areas (31.92 %). Maximum maternal deaths were reported in unbooked patients (83.73 %) as compared to booked patients (16.26 %). In the study period, 79.51 % of maternal deaths were due to direct causes. The classical triad of hemorrhage (59.01 %), eclampsia (15.90 %), and sepsis (25.00 %) was the major direct causes of maternal deaths. In the study period, 20.48 % of maternal deaths were due to indirect causes. Anemia, jaundice, and heart disease accounted for 41.17 %, 52.94 %, and 5.88 % of maternal deaths respectively. Conclusion; There is a wide scope for improvement as a large proportion of the observed deaths are preventable
Keywords: Maternal mortality ratio, maternal mortality, prevention
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 8, August 2020
Pages: 1004 - 1007