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Research Paper | Physiotherapy | India | Volume 9 Issue 8, August 2020 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Effectiveness of Neurokinetic Therapy in Mechanical Neck Pain patients with Conditional Cervical Neuropathy
Nisha Girdhani, Dr. P.R Suresh
Abstract: Cervical Neuropathy is by definition an infection of the cervical spinal nerve root. An examination was led to evaluate the Effectiveness of Neurokinetic Therapy in Mechanical Neck Pain patients with conditional Cervical Neuropathy. All patients alluded to clinical experts and medication outpatient division. The two gatherings are made with are separated as Gathering A (Experimental) and the other gathering is Gathering B (Control gathering). The patients rewarded for 10 days, 6 days every week once day by day. The agony was evaluated by the numeric pain rating scale and neck disability index was estimated by neck inability file sheet pre and post.
Keywords: Cervical Neuropathy, Neurokinetic Therapy, Conventional therapy, Data collection sheets, Neurokinetic Therapy, Computer, SPSS Software
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 8, August 2020
Pages: 180 - 184
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