Morphometric Study of Malleus by Computerised Tomography
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Research Paper | Anatomy and Histology | India | Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10


Morphometric Study of Malleus by Computerised Tomography

Ravindra Vedpathak, Nishigandha Sadamate, Dr. V. G. Sawant, Dr. Madan Manmohan

Abstract: INTRODUCTION: The tympanic cavity contains three small immovable bones, the malleus, incus and stapes which have a fundamental role in transmission of sound. The malleus is the largest of the ossicles, and its shape seems like a mallet. The study was conducted to determine the various morphometrical parameters of malleus which can be helpful during reconstructive procedures to the otologic surgen for the improvement of sound conduction. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The prospective study was performed on 114 subjects (61 males and 53 females) in Dr. D. Y. Patil, Hospital navi, Mumbai, CT scan images of 114 subjects are studied for ossicular chain on either side, and the malleus are obtain to investigate the morphometric parameters. RESULT: The average of Morphometric parameters shows that the mean length of right malleus is 6.974mm in male and 7.017mm in female, where the mean length of left side malleus is 6.919mm in male and 7.015mm in female. the mean length of right manubrium of malleus is 4.288mm in male and 4.25mm in female, where the mean length of left side manubrium of malleus is 4.227mm in male and 4.217mm in female. the mean maximum width of head of right malleus is 1.858mm in male and 1.927mm in female, where the mean maximum width of head of left malleus is 1.911mm in male and 1.94mm in female. No significance difference was found when we compared these parameters of right and left side in both sexes. CONCLUSION: The knowledge of the morphometry of malleus will helpful in designing of implants during operations to improve hearing.

Keywords: ear ossicles, incus, malleus, stapes

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020

Pages: 1132 - 1134

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Ravindra Vedpathak, Nishigandha Sadamate, Dr. V. G. Sawant, Dr. Madan Manmohan, "Morphometric Study of Malleus by Computerised Tomography", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020, pp. 1132-1134,, DOI:

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