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Research Paper | Management | India | Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Effect of Amalgamation on Financial Performance: A Case Study of Canara Bank Ltd
Yogashree C
Abstract: In the era of 21 century, one has to follow the path of growth, which contains various challenges and issues. To obtain benefits such as entering in new market, cost reduction, cross selling, risk diversification, increasing shareholders value, M & A can be done within the industry or outside the industry. Banking sector of India is also in news for its various deals of Merger and Amalgamation in recent years. This paper has focused on amalgamation of Syndicate bank into Canara Bank. The main objective of this study is to analyze financial performance of Canara Bank pre and post- amalgamation. Data has been collected from various Annual Reports of Canara Bank for pre and post-amalgamation period. Analyses shows that there is no significant benefit has been achieved by Canara Bank Ltd after the amalgamation. Analysis also shows that there is no improvement in companys Return on Equity, Interest Coverage, Earning Per Share and Dividend Per Share.
Keywords: Financial Performance, Banking, Amalgamation and Return on Equity
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020
Pages: 708 - 711
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