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Research Paper | Geography | India | Volume 9 Issue 8, August 2020 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Impact of Brick Industries on Geo-Environment Alongside the Bhagirathi-Hugli River, West Bengal, India using Statistical Techniques and RS and GIS Applications
Sanat Das
Abstract: Brick industry assigns a vital role in the commercial and economic activities along sides of the river Bhagirathi-Hugli in this study area. These activities affect on geo - environment of these areas. For this, the study was analysed the present scenario and impact of brick industries on geo-environment along the Bhagirathi-Hugli River between Nadia and Purba Bardhaman districts, West Bengal, India. The statistical techniques, sinuosity index, water quality index, Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System applications were discussed. Most of the brickfields within the study area were established in recent times over the year 2000. Different statistical techniques are used to check the soil fertility of agricultural land around the brickfields within the study area. The study appeared the standard of the soil is failing close to brickfield from far due to activities of brick making. At the right side of the riverbank, brickfields were highly concentrated (70) than the left side (31) but the erosion at the right side (14.17 km) of the river was lower than the left side (22.45 km). It is critically noticed during the fieldwork that various human activities related to brickfields lead to severe effects on the river channel morphology and create different geo-environmental problems. Water quality was a significant difference between the close and far distance of brick kilns in the river water. Brickfield workers suffered from various health problems. The activities of this industry are also harmful to the effects on the environment and the river. For inaction of contamination, the brickfield proprietors must comply with the principles and guidelines set up by the administration right now.
Keywords: Brickfield, Deterioration of land, Riverbank erosion, Loss of soil fertility, Sinuosity Index, Water quality index
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 8, August 2020
Pages: 1266 - 1277