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Research Paper | Mathematics | Philippines | Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020 | Popularity: 7.3 / 10
Performance Level, Least-learned Competency and Misconception on Linear Equation and Inequalities
Jay-Ar Deputo Doroliat, Aldin D. Labo
Abstract: This study determined the performance level, Least-learned Competency and Misconception on Linear Equation and Inequalities of Grade 8 Students of Prieto Diaz Cluster such Prieto Diaz National High School, Calao National High School and Manlabong National High School. The study used descriptive method of research with the use of teacher-made test with the topics in Linear Equation and Inequality. The data were tabulated, checked, analyzed and interpreted using mean, performance level, Likert-scale and Item Analysis. The findings of the study revealed that the computed performance level of the grade 8 learners in the post-test is 33.6 % and interpreted as low performance and did not meet the expectation of Department of education. The given competencies in mathematics were not familiar by the grade 8 learners. It has an overall mean of 0.41. The learners definitely found out that there are misconceptions in four selected topics in mathematics such as linear equation and inequalities, graphing and application. The learners reacted that I’ am confused on graphing linear equations because there are so many formulas to memorize and I don’t know which one I should use. Based from the findings it was concluded that the performance level of Grade 8 learners in the post-test is significantly low and did not meet the expectation. All four selected topics in mathematics were all least-learned competencies based on the results of the post-test. The learners experienced misconception in for topics in Mathematics such as linear equation and inequalities, graphing and application. Based from the conclusions drawn, the following recommendations are made: the Strategic intervention Materials in linear equation and inequalities, graphing and application is submitted for further study and enhancement to ensure high mastery of the learning competencies. The SIM may not only focused on unlocking difficulties but also provide more activities during and after the mathematical problems
Keywords: Performance level, Least-learned Competency, Misconceptions, Linear Equation and Inequalities
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020
Pages: 567 - 570
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