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Research Paper | Humanities | Morocco | Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10
Will COVID-19 Pandemic Change the Status of Online Teaching in Morocco?
Said Bouwakiod, Said. Zaidoune
Abstract: Numerous projects, programs, and a plethora of research studies have justified the validity and advantages of e-learning as a powerful means of delivering quality education and enhancing classroom-based instruction. By this token, the most critical impact in education in recent years is the increase and acknowledgment of adult distance and online education programs as an efficient approach for quality learning. Online learning focuses on a wide range of technological-based learning platforms, delivery methods, and the integration of educational technology components into the learning environment. The advent of modern technology has provided students at various levels, with the opportunity to participate in enhancing their education in an environment that is diversified, rich in best practices. This article addresses the state of online teaching among English language teachers in Moroccan universities via three main phases- before coronavirus lockdown, during the lockdown, and beyond the lockdown. The research findings revealed that Moroccan university English language teachers rarely resorted to online teaching before the pandemic because of some constraints, such as lack of training and lack of technical support. The findings also revealed that there is substantial enthusiasm in the use of online teaching during the pandemic confinement. However, the responses revealed a vivid relinquishment of that enthusiasm to use online teaching after the lockdown.
Keywords: COVID-19, pandemic, digital platforms, in-person teaching, Online teaching, lockdown,
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 7, July 2020
Pages: 712 - 719
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