A Study to Assess the Knowledge of Post Natal Mothers Regarding Immunization at Selected Urban Areas of Delhi
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Nursing | India | Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10


A Study to Assess the Knowledge of Post Natal Mothers Regarding Immunization at Selected Urban Areas of Delhi

Kamini Chauhan

Abstract: Immunization is the process by which resistance to an infection disease is produced. Immunization is vital it protects nearly 3/4th of children against major childhood illness. There are several diseases, which can be easily prevented by timely vaccination as a part of routine immunization. Health workers desire all children immunized against vaccine preventable diseases. The government wants them protected from progressive diseases. But many vaccines do not reach a majority of infants and children. Decreased awareness, patient compliance and cost effectiveness play a major role in limiting the success of vaccine. The main aim of the study was to assess the knowledge of post natal mothers regarding immunization. Forty postnatal mothers were selected by convenient sampling techniques. Structured knowledge questionnaire was made which included all information about immunization. This helped the post natal mothers to gain more knowledge. Result of this study revealed the majority of the postnatal mothers had 22 (55 %) moderate knowledge regarding immunization, 8 (20 %) of them had inadequate knowledge and 10 (25 %) of them had adequate knowledge regarding immunization. The mean score of post natal mothers was 9.25 with SD 3.3.

Keywords: Knowledge, postnatal mothers, immunization

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020

Pages: 1538 - 1540

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Kamini Chauhan, "A Study to Assess the Knowledge of Post Natal Mothers Regarding Immunization at Selected Urban Areas of Delhi", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020, pp. 1538-1540, https://www.ijsr.net/getabstract.php?paperid=SR20619132615, DOI: https://www.doi.org/10.21275/SR20619132615

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