International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Chemistry | Philippines | Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020 | Rating: 7.1 / 10

Effectiveness of Inquiry-Based Approach on Selected Topics in Chemistry

Analiza P. Villaroya

Abstract: This study determined the effectiveness of inquiry-based approach on selected topics in Chemistry among Grade 8 students in San Francisco National High School. This study involved a total of one hundred sixty students (160) as respondents. The students comprise the four sections from regular class. The main instruments used were two sets of lesson plans using 5E learning cycle and 7E learning model and the teacher-made test based on the table of specification as basis in allocating the number of items. This study was carried out using the pre-test-post-test quasi-experimental design utilizing Solomon Four-Groups. Out of the four groups, only experimental group 1 and control group 1 received the pre-test, followed by a treatment to the experimental group 1 and experimental group 2. Finally, all the four groups received post-test, where the effects of the dependent variable of the study were observed and comparison was made of the four groups. The data that was gathered from the pre-test and post-tests were subjected to appropriate statistical treatments such as the mean, frequency count and percentage. The findings are: The level of performance in the pretest of the control group and experimental group are the same. The control group was 67.60 % in the pre-test while experimental group was 67.83 %. Both ratings are described as Moving Towards Mastery in the five competencies in Chemistry. It also shows that the two groups of respondents have the same relevant knowledge in Chemistry prior to the intervention to be used by the teacher since they were described under the same description equivalent. There is no significant difference between the pretest results of the control group and experimental group. It is revealed at 0.05 level of significance and 78 degrees of freedom, the computed t-value for independent sample is -0.22 that is within the critical value of -1.99. Therefore, the null hypothesis cannot be rejected. The level of performance of the four groups in t

Keywords: Inquiry-Based Approach

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020,

Pages: 645 - 651

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