International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Language Research | Australia | Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020

A Contrastive Analysis of the Use of Love Expressions in Arabic and English

Maryam Zamim | Yousef Sahari [5]

Abstract: Love is one of the most beautiful feelings in this world. Every society and culture have their ways and words of expressing their love emotions. Love spreads positive feelings such as peace and happiness. However, it may cause negative feelings such as grief and unhappiness. This topic is interesting as it will represent the differences and similarities between different languages in order to know words that express love emotions. This paper aims to know the words of love in Arabic and English. The purpose of this research is to answer this question: What are the similarities and differences in the expression of love emotions between the Arabic and English languages To answer this question, the researchers will use two qualitative research methods, first introspection /intuition as a native Arabic speaker, second informant interview of an Australian woman who speaks Australian English. One of the advantages of introspection/ intuition is that the person describes his/her own knowledge and information [1]. This based on human experience and knowledge of the mother tongue. Furthermore, the advantages of the interview in qualitative research is that it increases the flexibility stages and uses tools such as talking and writing. In addition to the possibility of recording information in a voice form to review and analyse the information [2]. These tools will help to collect data and information about Arabic through researchers’ knowledge and information in English through the informant involved in the research. An additional reason for this subject and the comparison between the two languages is that the Arabic language is filled with expressions of love, unlike my inspiration of the English language, and I was curious to research this topic to see if there are synonyms of Arabic words of love in English.

Keywords: Love, Feeling, Emotion Language, Cross-Culture Discourse, Contrastive Analysis, Arabic Language, Translation

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 6, June 2020,

Pages: 332 - 335

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