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Review Papers | Education Management | India | Volume 9 Issue 5, May 2020 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
A Study of Academic Resilience among Students of Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools
Dr. Monika, Shikha
Abstract: Academic Resilience plays a very important role in modern education. The concept of academic resilience enables the person to encounter the difficulties of life in any area. Further, it helps in overcoming the challenges faced by an individual. It is seen as a skill of problem solving. In academics we see educators, learners and researchers are dealing with lot of problems. Academic resilience assists the learners to deal with unfavorable conditions effectively, handle and manage the stress and pressure in the academic setting. Academic resilience has numerous competencies like students learn to face disappointment, learn from failures, changes, ability of self- motivation. Now a days, Academic Resilience is seen as an emerging trend of education system and has become an important part of education on the basis of different researches it has been made very clear in paper that Academic Resilience is most important part of student’s life. The literature review has covered the scholarships of last ten years from 2010 to 2018.
Keywords: Resilience, Academic Resilience, Reviews Literature
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 5, May 2020
Pages: 1539 - 1542
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