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Research Paper | Diabetology | India | Volume 9 Issue 5, May 2020 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Prevalence of High Risk Diabetic Foot in the Rural Population of Jharkhand and Impact of Awareness
Dr. Kumar Pankaj Prabhat, Dr. Ruby Kumari, Dr. Saurav Kumar
Abstract: Diabetes is increasing at the rapid rate worldwide and India has approximately 42 million cases. Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is one of common complication associated with diabetes. This is more likely to be of neuropathic in origin. This is associated with high morbidity and huge health care cost. India is country with majority of rural population and are also economically insufficient to take care of cost associated with the diabetic foot ulcer. Because of socioeconomical condition, these patients are not capable of bearing the high cost treatment and end up with limb amputation and death in serious condition. Therefore aim of the study is to educate and aware patient with DFU regarding foot care in the rural area of Jharkhand. This is prevalent from the study that changing life style with proper care of the foot might lead to reduce or manageable diabetic foot ulcer.
Keywords: Diabetic foot ulcer, social awareness, rural area
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 5, May 2020
Pages: 1 - 3
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