International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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Case Studies | Surgery | India | Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10


Breast Tuberculosis or Granulomatous Mastitis: A Diagnostic Dilemma

Dr. Foram Modh, Dr. Jenish Sheth

Abstract: Breast tuberculosis or granulomatous mastitis: A diagnostic dilemma Aims and Objectives: To rule out mammary tuberculosis in developing countries patients presenting with breast lump, Nipple Discharge which may confuse with carcinoma or breast Abscess. Methods: This study was conducted in SMIMER Hospital, Surat, General Surgery department from 2017 to 2019. It was prospective randomized study. We had examine the 100 patient coming in surgery OPD with Complain of breast lump, pain, nipple discharge. The diagnosis was made by FNAC and detection of AFB on cytology and some had on Nipple discharge. Some patients were diagnosed after excision biopsy of lump.2 patients were diagnosed after doing surgery excision of lump or abcess. Result: Total 100 patients were taken in our study, All female patients were between 30-50 years of age.60 (60 %) patients were came with complain of painless lump at Retroareolar region from them, 30 % patients had nipple discharge, 40 % patients came with painfull lump.13 %Patients were diagnosed Breast tuberculosis from FNAC AFB stain of painless lump.2 (5 %) patients were dignosed after doing surgery excision of lump or abcess. Discussion Mammary tuberculosis accounts for 3 % of breast pathologies in India and is five times less common than carcinoma of thebreast. It has been suggested that mammary gland tissue, like spleen and skeletal muscle, offers resistance to the survival and multiplication of the tubercle bacillus. (3) Tewari and Shukla (4) recently classified mammary TB into three categories (a) nodulocaseous tubercular mastitis, (b) disseminated/confluent tubercular mastitis, and (c) tubercular breast abscess. Treatment of breast TB with standard antituberculosis therapy for 6 months usually results in good clinical response. (5) Conclusion: Breast TB is a diagnosis of exclusion should be suspected in patients from endemic countries with poor response to antibiotic therapy and AKT trial is warranted. (Key words: breast tuber

Keywords: breast tuberculosis, breast lump, AKT treatment

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020

Pages: 1729 - 1731

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Dr. Foram Modh, Dr. Jenish Sheth, "Breast Tuberculosis or Granulomatous Mastitis: A Diagnostic Dilemma", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 9 Issue 4, April 2020, pp. 1729-1731,