International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Arts and Sciences | Libya | Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10


Rheological Characterization of Combretum Glutinosum (Habeil) Gum

M. H. Awad, Nouri M. A. Soleiman, Aborawi M. Elgornazi

Abstract: Rheological properties of Gum Habeil collected during three seasons had been studied. Intrinsic viscosity of aqueous solution of Gum Habeil was calculated by Fedor's equation. At a low concentration of aqueous deacetylated gum solution, the G' (viscoelastic) was appeared higher than G'' (viscosity) at frequency ranged from 1 to 10 Hz, but with increases concentration of deacetylated gum solutions G'' line was trend to appear higher than G' line at low frequency region. However, a crossover of G' and G'' lines was observed as the frequencies increased to 1.26, 3.97, and 9.99 Hz for 1.5, 3, and 5% w/w of gum solutions respectively. The concentrated crude gum dispersions 12.5 and 15% w/w were exhibited viscoelastic behavior, in contrast the 10% w/w of crud gum solution in distilled water appeared G'' higher than G' with the crosslink points at the middle of frequency range. The critical concentration C* of deacetylated gum solutions in deionized water, in sodium hydroxide alone, and in alkali with addition salt were determined to be 2.34, 2.37, and 2.41 g/dl respectively. The effect of temperature on rheological behavior was also studied.

Keywords: Rheological, Combretum, Gum Habeil, viscoelastic, coil overlap

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020

Pages: 1536 - 1542

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M. H. Awad, Nouri M. A. Soleiman, Aborawi M. Elgornazi, "Rheological Characterization of Combretum Glutinosum (Habeil) Gum", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 9 Issue 2, February 2020, pp. 1536-1542,