Study of Corneal Endothelial Cell Count in Diabetes Mellitus Patients
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Dissertation Chapters | Ophthalmology | India | Volume 9 Issue 12, December 2020 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10


Study of Corneal Endothelial Cell Count in Diabetes Mellitus Patients

Dr. Neeti R Sheth, Dr. Prapti K Nisarta

Abstract: Purpose: With advent of specular microscope corneal endothelial cell count and central corneal thickness can be assessed and early its relation with diabetic age can be ruled out. Materials and methods: This is a cross sectional study carried out on 500 patients (325 diabetics and 175 non-diabetics of age group 50 to 80 yrs, selected by non probability convenient sampling having no significant media opacity like dense cataract, significant corneal corneal opacity, vitreous hemorrhage which prevents visualization of fundus. Detailed history taking, assessment of visual acuity (unaided, best corrected), detailed anterior and posterior segment examination including ECC and CCT by specular microscope was done in all the patients. Result: Clinically incidence of decrease in ECC and increase in CCT in diabetic patients as compared to non diabetic patients. Conclusion: Corneal endothelial cell density can be decreased and the central thickness of cornea can be increased in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Corneal decompensation (based on endothelial cell count & central corneal thickness) is much more higher in patients suffering from advanced eye disease (PDR) than in patients suffering with early stages of diabetic retinopathy (NPDR).

Keywords: Diabetic Retinopathy, Endothelial Cell Count, Central Corneal Thickness, Specular Microscope

Edition: Volume 9 Issue 12, December 2020

Pages: 393 - 395

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Dr. Neeti R Sheth, Dr. Prapti K Nisarta, "Study of Corneal Endothelial Cell Count in Diabetes Mellitus Patients", International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), Volume 9 Issue 12, December 2020, pp. 393-395,, DOI:

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