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Dissertation Chapters | Medical Science | India | Volume 9 Issue 12, December 2020 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Study of Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer Thickness in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patients by OCT
Dr. Kamal R. Dodiya, Dr. Monica M. Thacker
Abstract: Purpose: To assess the effects of diabetes on retinal nerve fibre layer thickness. Materials and methods: This is a cross sectional study carried out on 500 patients (250 diabetics and 250 non-diabetics of age group 14 to 80 yrs, selected by non probability convenient sampling having no significant media opacity like dense cataract, significant corneal corneal opacity, vitreous hemorrhage which prevents visualization of fundus. Detailed history taking, assessment of visual acuity (unaided, best corrected), detailed anterior and posterior segment examination including RNFL thickness by OCT was done in all the patients. Result: There is loss of RNFL thickness in diabetics and most significant loss is noted in superotemporal quadrant and the loss increases with increase in diabetic age. Conclusion: OCT can be used to detect neurodegeneration progression in diabetic retinopathy patients by measuring RNFL thickness and this can be used as diagnostic and prognostic factor in cases of DR.
Keywords: Diabetic Retinopathy, Retinal nerve fibre layer thickness, RNFL, Optical Coherence Tomography, OCT
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 12, December 2020
Pages: 418 - 420
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