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Research Paper | Management | India | Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Customer Adoption of Alternate Channels for Banking Service Requirements - A Case Study of Patna District
Dr. Trishna
Abstract: The Indian Banking Industry has undergone a never seen before transformation in the past decade and this change continues to accelerate every year. The introduction of latest technology has helped the banks to strategically look at needs and offer newer and more efficient banking services. Technology has helped in accelerating the service delivery to the customers. Even the small and new banks with fewer numbers of branches have become better placed to compete with the established banks by integrating IT in their operation. It can be said that the world is slowly moving towards boundary less banking wherein the services are not restricted to a certain physical place. With the seamless integration of technology, now the concept of branch banking has changed to doorstep banking service. Services are now available at the touch of screen. The study has been conducted in Patna district and it seeks to assess the level of usage of alternate banking channels by the customers for various banking needs and their satisfaction level with same. It would help draw insight about the preference and behavior of the customers regarding alternate channel adoption.
Keywords: Alternate Channel, digital adoption
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 11, November 2020
Pages: 1090 - 1093
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