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Research Paper | Electrical & Electronics Engineering | India | Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020 | Popularity: 6.3 / 10
Grid Integration of Renewable Energy Sources
Syed Awwab Tausif, Lokesh Garg
Abstract: Demand for renewable energy has increased due to increased environmental awareness and conservation concerns. Renewable energy has been shown to be more efficient in the production of electricity. The wind and solar systems of PV have shown a significant growth rate over the years and are capable of grid integration. However, integrating all renewable energy sources is not easy because all renewable energy sources are available in a distributed manner. The older generations are connected to transmission systems and younger generations are connected to distribution systems. Here we discuss some of the problems that arise during the integration of these resources and other solutions on how to fix them.
Keywords: Renewable energy, Power Grid, Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Energy control, Energy quality, Protection
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020
Pages: 894 - 901
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