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Research Paper | Education Management | Zambia | Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020 | Popularity: 7 / 10
Efficacy of Electronic Learning in Achieving Education Delivery for Students Amidst Corona Virus: A Case of Selected Tertiary Education Institutions in Chipata District, Zambia
Dr. Sunday Silungwe
Abstract: The general objective of the study was to establish the efficacy of electronic learning in achieving education delivery for the students by answering the general research question on: How was the efficacy of electronic learning in achieving education delivery for the students Pragmatism paradigm informed the study and a mixed study was the research method. The mixed method strategy was convergent parallel. The total population was active students that were using electronic learning platforms for education delivery. The sample size was 73 participants, selected by using a non-probability method known as purposive. Data were collected by using a questionnaire that comprised both qualitative and quantitative questions. Qualitative data were analyzed by inductive logic of starting with a specific approach to generalization by collecting raw data; group them to themes, patterns and then, interpretation. Quantitative data were analyzed by deductive logic of starting with the generalization approach to specific by using necessary statistical parameters. The findings of the study were that electronic learning benefited the students by way of extendibility, accessibility and suitability. Further, benefits included devoid of travel costs, time saving, and up-to-date learning materials. Other benefits were better retention of learning material, and flexibility in learning. However, students faced challenges by electronic learning such as learning materials incompatibility, technology-dependency, poor internet, and machine malfunction. Other challenges were unreliability of the content, and ineffectiveness of electronic learning. Overly, the majority of the students scored average in competency to understanding and applying effective electronic learning.
Keywords: Corona virus, Education delivery, Electronic learning, Students
Edition: Volume 9 Issue 10, October 2020
Pages: 240 - 245
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