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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014 | Popularity: 7 / 10
Defending Against Source Routing Attacks in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks
Srihari Babu Kolla, B. B. K. Prasad
Abstract: The prominence of the place of wireless ad-hoc networking is become more crucial to everyday functioning of people. This is due to obvious advantages of wireless networks with ubiquity access and minimal hardware requirements in networks. The Adhoc nature of sensor networks means no structure can be strictly defined. The network topology is always subject to change due to node failure, addition or mobility. Since nodes may fail or be replaced the network must support self-configuration. Routing and data forwarding is a crucial service for enabling communication in sensor networks. Unfortunately, current routing protocols suffer from many security vulnerabilities. The simple attacks are involves injecting malicious routing information into the network, resulting in routing inconsistencies. Simplest authentication might guard against injection attacks, but some routing protocols are susceptible to reply by attacker of legitimate routing messages. Secure delivery of packets to and from the wireless networks is however a major issue in wireless networks. Low power wireless networks are an existing research direction in routing and packet forwarding. In this paper prior security works in this research direction in routing and packet forwarding. In this paper prior security work in this area focused primarily on routing layer exhaustion attacks. We design a novel routing protocol as SRPF. In this protocol we shown energy consumption monitoring algorithm (ECMA) to bounds the damage caused by source routing attacks during the packet forwarding phase.
Keywords: ad-hoc networking, energy consumption, vulnerability, source routing, security
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 9, September 2014
Pages: 842 - 845
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