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Survey Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
A Survey on Security and Privacy Based Location Based Recompense Scheme
Prema. S. Patil Wankhede, M. K Kodmelwar
Abstract: The creation of mobile devices has directed the mobile advertising to flow in the past few years. Developing as a new type of mobile advertising, mobile location-based services have elaborate intense considerationin recent times. Inappropriately, existing mobile location-based services have a lot of limitations and rise many concerns, particularly about system security and user. In this paper, we put forward a new location based rewarding system, where mobile users can gather location-based tokens from token distributors, and then redeem their collected tokens at token collectors for beneficial rewards. Tokens act as real-world currency. The token distributors and collectors can be any marketable entities or merchants that request to interest customers through such a promotion system, such as cafs, stores. We develop a security and privacy responsive location-based rewarding protocol for the system, and show the inclusiveness and reliability of the procedure. Moreover, we show that the system is robust to several attacks and mobile users confidentiality can be well protected in the period in-between. We finally implement the structure and performance extensive experimentations to validate the system productivity in terms of working out, announcement
Keywords: Mobile location based services, confidentiality, and security
Edition: Volume 3 Issue 11, November 2014
Pages: 3033 - 3035
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