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Research Paper | Management | Oman | Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Strategic Human Resources Management as a Success Factor to Achieve Total Quality Management
Harini Methuku, Hatim Ramadan
Abstract: Many organizations are facing a lot of internal as well external challenges while trying to stabilize their staff retention rates, designing a job, training an individual with in the organization, setting rules for compensations and benefits, and helping staff members to balance between family and professional life requires a great effort in forming strategic human resources management standards. Approach, deployment, results and improvement (ADRI) model is used as a basis to bifurcate the main HR functions and relate them to total quality management. The paper constitutes fundamentals for building a comprehensive model to address the aspects of strategic human resources management in a particular environment as most of the adopted models are more reliable in case of newly established firms.
Keywords: Strategic Human Resource Management, Total quality management, Approach, Deployment, Results, Improvements
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016
Pages: 1823 - 1826
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