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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | Pakistan | Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Vortex Induced Vibrations Analysis Across a Tapered Tower
M Rehan Khan, H. Abbas, Sijal Ahmed
Abstract: In this paper, 3D flow past a long tapered tower is examined. A tapered tower is described by the taper ratio. Tapered cylinders are a good description of many structures, like wind turbine tower e. t. c. Similar to the flow around cylinders, the Reynolds number is the important flow parameter, and the Strouhal number represents the shedding frequency. These flow patterns are difficult to predict and measure experimentally very time dependent nature. The governing Navier-Stokes equations with suitable boundary conditions are solved by using a CFD solver FLUENT (16.0). The computational mesh is created using ICEM. The flow fields are presented by streamline and velocity magnitude. Vortex induced vibration simulations are performed to capture vortex shedding frequency by using lift coefficient Cl data, drag coefficient and dimensionless strouhal number can also be obtained using viv simulation results.
Keywords: Tapered, Wind turbine, Shedding Frequency, Strouhal Number
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 6, June 2016
Pages: 1415 - 1418
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