International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
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ISSN: 2319-7064

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Research Paper | Public Policy | Indonesia | Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016 | Rating: 6.2 / 10

Diversity Management Policy: A Case Study of Formulation Process Joint Ministerial Regulation No. 8 and 9 of 2006 in Indonesia

Muchlis Ari Handy

Abstract: The diversity of the Indonesian people, in the era of reform that has been accompanied by an era of openness, the cause hassle for the government to formulate policies that can accommodate the interests of religious groups, linked to problems concerning the identity and majority-minority relations. One of these policies is the rule with the Minister of Religious Affairs and Minister of the Internal Affairs, No.8 and 9 of 2006 on the guidelines for regional heads in the management of religious harmony, a form of religious harmony and the establishment of places of worship. It is interesting to observe a policy formulation process that involves policy actors between religious groups, because in some policies regarding the handling of religious life are intended to regulate the diversity that exists in Indonesia, often reap the pros and cons and polemic in society, particularly among religious groups in Indonesia. In the process of policy formulation, there are some components that are believed to influence the formulation process. This component is the environmental policy, policy actors and values surrounding the actors in the policy. There are many things that are included in the policy environment regarding the geographical, cultural characteristics of a region and demographic variables. In addition constellation or global events can also be a political environment that is important in influencing policy. Act's policies covered by the values of each trying to influence policy in order to load output policies espoused values of each policy. The struggle is the essence of the political process among groups to influence the impartiality conditions.

Keywords: Diversity, Management, Policy, Formulation Process, Joint Regulation

Edition: Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016,

Pages: 1376 - 1379

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