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Research Paper | Electrical Engineering | Nigeria | Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Dwindling Electrical Power Supply in Nigeria: Causes and Possible Solutions
S. D. Fabiyi, A. O. Abdulmalik, H. A. Tiamiu
Abstract: The effects of power outage on businesses can be catastrophic. Enjoyment of basic social amenities such as quality health care, adequate water supply, telecommunication service, etc becomes limited or even impossible due to long term electrical power outage. Huge revenue loss, business disruptions, laying-off of workers by affected industries, loss of very important records at data centers, wastage of perishable foods, destruction of home appliances, etc are some of the effects of dwindling electrical power supply. This paper seeks to find out the root causes of electrical power crisis in Nigeria and to put possible solutions forward. Data was acquired by administering questionnaires in all the local government areas of Minna, Niger State with focus on people in the mostly affected areas and experts in the field. For analysis of the data collected through the use of selected research tool, a method of simple percentage was adopted. In other to present identified causes of electrical power crises in Nigeria according to their level of responsibility, responses are coded by assigning value to each scale and so the method of sum was also adopted. The results showed that the rate of electricity supply in Nigeria is in the low state. Continued use of aged equipment, Poor maintenance culture, Corruption, and looting of fund meant for power sector reform have been identified as the major causes of dwindling electrical power supply in Nigeria.
Keywords: Nigeria, electricity, availability, dwindling, power supply
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2016
Pages: 635 - 639
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