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M.Tech / M.E / PhD Thesis | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016 | Popularity: 7 / 10
Fragmentation and Duplication of Data for the Best Cloud Performance and Security (FDBPS)
Prof. Jaya Kumar B L, Saranya C
Abstract: The security mainly egresses from carrying over the data to a service provider which is of third party i. e. the cloud service. To optimally look into the cloud service, one would definitely pick out its service due to its huge quality of services offered. Contrary to its vantage point, it is proved to have malevolence in its overhaul. One such main liability in the cloud service is the compromise of its security which in turn derogates its overall attainment. This will betide due to two prudent reasons, i. e. either by the external attackers, or due to the compromise by the node within the cloud by itself. Therefore, high security metrics are required to be shield the data within the cloud. Along with the defending quality, the hired strategy of security must also deliberate on the optimization of the data retrieval time. Consequently, the proposed structure of Fragmentation and Duplication of data for the best cloud performance and security will collectively approach the security as well as the performance issues that were witnessed in the former cryptographic methods. In the FDBPS methodology, division of the files into fragments, and replicating the fragmented data over the cloud nodes are done. Only a lone fragment of a data file will be found in a single node. This ensures that there wont be a considerable amount of data casualties even when a node is being hacked or attacked.
Keywords: security, service provider, third party, security metrics, optimization, Fragmentation and Duplication of data
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016
Pages: 2038 - 2044
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