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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016 | Popularity: 6.5 / 10
Wear Analysis on Piston
Parmar Bhavin R, Patel Jenish C, Mistry Komal J, Sompura Mayank
Abstract: The tribological phenomenon of the sliding surface between piston rings and cylinder liner may be among the most complex in internal combustion engine and could become even more severe with an increase of the engine power. The friction between the piston rings and the cylinder liner significantly contribute to the mechanical power losses of the engine. Improvement of the fuel economy of automobile is gaining increasing importance today. This project the assembly and development of a test rig for the measurement of friction in a reciprocating system. In this test rig a flat plate (specimen) is located in an aluminium oil bath and reciprocated under a loaded point ended pin. A crankshaft with the use of connecting rod gives the reciprocating movement of oil bath. In this testing an external 3-phase of 0.25 HP. Capacity is selected for testing purpose. In the setup we have used connecting rod crank shaft assembly, sliding aluminum oil bath have a rectangular shape, v belt, pulley, flat plate (specimen) of brass and Aluminum, manufactured studs, fixed supports friction free trolley, extension of crank shaft, support for the whole set up. The experimental setup is assembled and the experimental will be conducted for measurement of friction pin and plate and also measure the wear rate of the flat plate.
Keywords: Wear, Piston, Lubrication, Friction, Analysis
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016
Pages: 1723 - 1726
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