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Comparative Studies | Pediatrics | India | Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
Use of Short Sensory Profile to Study the Sensory Pattern of Performance across Various Disability Groups
Anita Gupta
Abstract: Use of Short Sensory Profile to study the sensory pattern of performance across various disability groups Objectives The purpose of this study was to detect whether the factors or items in short sensory profile can differentiate- 1) Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders from children with Cerebral Palsy and sensory issues.2) C. P. children with sensory issues and without sensory issues 3) C. P. children with no sensory issues with typically developing children in expressing their sensory responses. Method 100 children in following categories were assessed on short sensory profile Group 1 - 22 Typically Developing children Group 2 - 21 Cerebral Palsy children with no sensory issues Group 3 - 40 Cerebral Palsy children with sensory issues Group 4 - 17 children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders The caretakers responded to the questions asked by the therapist in the questionnaire of short sensory profile. Results and Conclusion Short sensory profile can discriminate children with sensory issues from the other groups. Responses of Cerebral Palsy children with sensory issues are different from Cerebral Palsy children without sensory issues. Typically developed children are comparable to Cerebral Palsy children without sensory issues on short sensory profile. CEREBRAL PALSY, SENSORY ISSUES, SENSORY PROFILE
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016
Pages: 1644 - 1648
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