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Review Papers | Industrial Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Impact of Work Environment on Performance of Employees in Manufacturing Sector in India: Literature Review
Christopher Mathews, I. K. Khann
Abstract: It has been observed that the workplace environment affects the performance of employees. Employees are more than the most important asset for an organization, they play pivotal role in current operational performance and future competitive advantage. Employees spend major part of their life in the organization within which they work. The main objective of this work is to find out the work done in respect of relationship between workplace environment and productivity. The quality and quantity of work generated by employees are influenced by the work environment while poor environmental conditions can cause inefficient worker productivity as well as reduce their job satisfaction. The work will attempt to describe some elements of the workplace environment that can impact on employee productivity like lighting, noise, color, air quality and unsuitable furniture. Investigations support that various factors in the workplace environment are responsible for the enhancement of employees productivity. The purpose of this work is to identify the elements, which can affect the performance level of employees in the manufacturing sector in India. This work is expected to show that work environment have great impact on the performance level of employees of manufacturing sector in India.
Keywords: Workplace environment, Employees, Performance, Productivity, Manufacturing sector
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 4, April 2016
Pages: 852 - 855
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