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Research Paper | Electrical Engineering | China | Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
Research on 3D Self-Stable Pan-Tilt Structural Control Methods
Pengpeng Yang, Xingpan Cui
Abstract: With the development of society, flexible cable-driven camera robot system has found wide applications. Self-stable pan-tilt is an indispensable part of the end effector. To obtain quality and authentic images, the end effector should stably move at a constant speed and the optical axis of the camera of the effector should scan the ground evenly. However, a series of factors, such as changing load of the effector, influence of the wind resisting moment and the sensor noise, might distort images obtained, thus influencing the photographing quality. In order to achieve tracking shooting of the target under stable conditions of the camera, it is necessary to optimize the system hardware on the one hand, improve the system control accuracy through the modern control algorithm on the other hand.
Keywords: Self-stable pan-tilt, Mathematical model, PID, Fuzzy PID, Simulation
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016
Pages: 1509 - 1512
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