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Research Paper | Medicine Science | India | Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016 | Popularity: 6.9 / 10
Clinico ? Pathological Study of 300 Cases of Cutaneous Warts in Immunocompetent and Immunocompromised Patients
Dr. Samuel Jeyaraj Daniel MD DVL
Abstract: Aim of the study To find out the various clinical types of cutaneous warts in immuno-competent and immuno-compromised patients (human immuno defiency virus infected, renal transplant recipients), and its histopathological aspects. Materials and methods This study was conducted in dermatology department of a tertiary hospital and a total of three hundred patients were screened for this study in each groups. Detailed clinical history and examination, skin biopsy, HIV status, immunosuppressant used and period of follow up since transplant (for renal transplant patients) were taken for all the patients. Results Among the 300 cases in immuno-competent patients, verruca vulgaris was observed in 157 (52 %), plantar warts in 57 (19 %), anogenital warts in 42 (14 %) and plane warts in 21 (7 %) respectively. Among the 300 HIV patients, ano-genital warts were observed in 35 (11.6 %) and palmo-plantar warts in 1 patient respectively. Among the 300 patients screened in renal transplant patients, verruca vulgaris was seen in 4 (0.01 %) patients, followed by 1 (0.003 %) plane wart and 1 (0.003 %) filiform wart. Conclusion Verruca vulgaris was the most common type in immuno-competent patients and ano-genital warts in immuno-compromised patients. In renal transplant recipients, the decreased incidence of warts in this study may be due to the difference in skin type, immunosuppressant used, and geographical location which needs further evaluation in a larger population.
Keywords: Wart, immuno-competent, immuno-compromised patients, renal transplant recipients
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016
Pages: 245 - 249
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