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Research Paper | Nutrition Science | India | Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
The Effect of Feeding Different Levels of Moringa oleifera Leaf Meal on the Performance and Some Blood Parameters of Broilers
Omer Massaad Elbashier, Hyder Elameen Ahmed
Abstract: The study was carried out at the farm of the College of Animal Production of Science and Technology, at Hillat Kuku, during the period of 7-4-2014 to 7-6-2014. The aim of the study was to evaluate Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MLM) as alternative cheap source of protein in the diets of Arbaicher grower broiler chicken breed and also the study was aimed to find out the effect of Moringaoleifera on body weight of broilers and on blood parameters. Two hundred chickens, aged 21 days were used, the chickens were divided into four groups, a control group and three experimental groups. The four experimental groups provided consecutively with %0, 2 % %4 and 5 %M. oleifera leave /kg of feed daily for 21 days (Finisher diet), which was added to their daily feed, and the control group was fed a diet without M. oleifera. The results showed significant variations in the final body and daily weight gain. Group Dbirds recorded the highest values for packed cell volume (PCV), hemoglobin concentration (Hb), and red blood cells (RBCs), values were 42.70 %, 4.3106/m and16.2 respectively. Group C have recorded the highest values for mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). Significant differences were noticed for the red blood cells (RBCs) count, hemoglobin (Hb) and MCHC values among groups while no significant differences were observed between the control andgroup D. The mean values for PCV in group C and D were high while birds on the control diet had the least PCV value of 23.7 %. Similarly birds of group B had the highest RBC value of 2.73 1.13 x106/m. and highest HB value of 17.32 + 0.70, the least values were obtained by group C birds.
Keywords: Broilers, Moringa oleifera, Hemoglobin, Red Blood Cells, Packed Cell Volume
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 3, March 2016
Pages: 632 - 635
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