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Research Paper | Medicine Science | India | Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016 | Popularity: 6.2 / 10
A Retrospective Study of Probable Risk Factors for Default on Dots for Tuberculosis at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Western Maharashtra
Dr. Anita Saibannavar, Dr. Sanjay Desai
Abstract: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease globally affecting 9.2 million people and 2 million in India per year. Each smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis patient can infect approximately 10-15 persons per year. The problem of drug defaulter has been commonly observed wherever prolonged therapy has to be given. In tuberculosis, non adherence to prescribed treatment can lead to drug resistance and treatment failure while the patient continues to transmit infection. We carried out a retrospective study in medical college set up in Western Maharashtra. Over a period of three years, 411 patients who were defaulters studied in details to find out probable risk factors for default. Our study concludes that the most influencing risk factors for TB treatment default are productive age group, male predominance, married people, poorly educated status, low socio-economic class, long distance residence etc. The problem of default is bound to continue whatever action we might take, defaulters can be reduced to certain extent by correct instructions at the time of diagnosis and each follow up visits. Understanding the specific reasons can help to device steps to reduce the problem.
Keywords: Tuberculosis, DOTS, Defaulters, smear positive, risk factors
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016
Pages: 1714 - 1719
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