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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
Comparative Study of Compaction Behaviour of Moorum Flyash & Soil Flyash at Varying Water Content by Standard Proctor Compation Apparatus
Rajendra PD Verma
Abstract: One of the ways in which highly urbanized cities cope with increasing amounts of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated by the population is incineration. As land is a very preciols commodity & land fills are fast dwindling in most highly urbanized cities. The disposal of the ash generated from MSW incineration poses increasingly difficult problems for the municipalities. A viable solution to the disposal problems would be the reuse of MSW ash for civil engineering applications. A research study of the properties of incineration fly ash derived from MSW incineration indicated that fly ash is a potential source of jet grouting admixture for soil improvement. The fly ash Exhibits a likelihood of pozzolanic reaction due to its chemical composition & physical characteristics. The use of fly ash as an admixture in the stabilized of a soft marine clay resulted in stabilized sample with an improved strength more than 75 times that of the untreated clay. In corporation of fly ash also improved drainage property by at least one order of magnitude & reduced both the plasticity & compression indices by about 69 & 23 % respectively. Leachate investigation conducted that chromium was well below the world health organization drinking water limit while nickel & lead leachate concentration diminished to below the acceptable drinking water limits over a period of about 130 & 110 days
Keywords: Bearing capacity, Fly ash stabilization
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016
Pages: 1295 - 1298
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