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Research Paper | Education Management | Zimbabwe | Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016 | Popularity: 6.7 / 10
The Effectiveness of Vocational Education and Training on Sustainable Development with Particular Focus on Magunje Vocational Training Centre, Hurungwe District, Mashonaland West Province
Eric S. M. S. Makura, Musitaffa Mweha, Elizabeth Chikwiri
Abstract: This study sought to determine the impact of Vocational Education and Training on Sustainable Development provided by Magunje Centre. The researchers were drawn to the study, for establishment of such centres by the Government throughout the country has not resulted in noticeable improvement in the livelihoods of the ruralites. The study found that lack of funding for training materials, tools, equipment, and other related needs were the reasons for the failure of the Centres training to transform the livelihoods of the ruralites. The study observed that for the Centre to have more impact, it needed to have a clear vision, strategic planning, initiatives, and effective implementation as well as adequate Government funding.
Keywords: Vocational Education and Training, Sustainable Development, Livelihoods, Economic and Social Well-Being, Curriculum
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 2, February 2016
Pages: 1353 - 1358
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