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Research Paper | Mechanical Engineering | Iraq | Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
CFD Simulation of Turbulent Air Flow in Diffuser and its Effect on Fluid Properties
Ali Hamzah Kadhim ALShabbani, Kassim Kadhim Hameed Al-shemary, Husham M.Al.Tameemi
Abstract: The work reported in this article investigates the influences of inlet boundary conditions on the fluid properties which simulated by ANSYS (APDL). An axial fixed vane swirling diffuser with 12 vanes of declining angle 6 degree is used for the primary air flow. For the swirling air flow inlet boundary condition specifications, the turbulence model used is k-omega turbulence model. The conventional method is to specify the inlet velocities based on totally constant axial and tangential momentum fluxes.
Keywords: ANSYS, air, diffuser, k-omega turbulence model, 12 vanes
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016
Pages: 1611 - 1614
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