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Case Studies | Radiological Sciences | Albania | Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016 | Popularity: 6.4 / 10
A Complete Occlusion of Common Carotid Artery- A Case Report
Altina Xhaferi, Medien Xhaferi, Astrit Hoxhaj
Abstract: This case report describes imaging in a patient with a complete occlusion of left common carotid artery after automobile accident. There were associated findings of collaterals that supply the pattern distal ipsilateral arteries. There were found no sign of stroke. The girl was suffering problems of loose of hearing from right ear and partial facial nerve paralyzes. No specific treatment was applied to this patient except the continuing follow up.
Keywords: common carotid artery, occlusion, collateral supply, AngioCT, Color Doppler
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016
Pages: 1565 - 1569
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