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Research Paper | Computer Science & Engineering | India | Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016 | Popularity: 6.6 / 10
Trust Based Energy Efficient Relay Selection in Multihop Wireless Network
Shraddha Patil, Pankaj Chandre
Abstract: We will consider the two important aspects of the OR 1. Candidate node selection and 2. Prioritization of the selected nodes in the candidate set. In proposed work we consider the residual energy of the nodes as well as the security parameter of the node by adding a security value to each node at time of deployment of the nodes. We use the secure value (trust) and the residual energy of the node for the candidate selection and the prioritization of the selected relays. Lastly compare proposed system with existing system to demonstrate the results.
Keywords: OR, WSN, ExOR protocol, Opportunistic routing, Trustworthiness, Residual Energy
Edition: Volume 5 Issue 1, January 2016
Pages: 345 - 348
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