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Review Papers | Education Management | Nigeria | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015 | Rating: 6.3 / 10
The Socialization Process as Bane of Gender Inequalities in Nigeria
Eteng Ikpi Etobe PhD, Ntongha Eni Ikpi, Chukwudi Charles Ezikeudu, Utibe E. I. Etobe
Abstract: Gender inequalities traverse the nooks and crannies of every society. From the minutest unit of the family to the mega social organizations, inequality darts the lanes and planes of human existence. Various paradigmatic themes and perspectives have been adduced by scholars to explain this social phenomenon truncating the equi-balance of social interactions. The structural functionalists for instance, see gender inequalities as necessary and functional to social existence and advocate for its continuity and perpetuation in society. Egalitarianism protagonists have seen patriarchy, its ideology and structure as the bedrock on which gender inequalities thrive. While this paper is not a critique of this stance, the authorial position of this paper is an examination of the socialization process as the primal obstacle to the dismantling and total collapse of gender inequalities in society. Synoptic prescriptions from this paper would contribute significantly to the global search for ways of eradicating gender inequalities especially in patriarchal societies of the world.
Keywords: gender, inequalities, socialization
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Pages: 1540 - 1543