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Research Paper | Civil Engineering | Ghana | Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015 | Popularity: 6.8 / 10
The Impact of Sofokrom Quarry on River Anankwari
Peter Mensah Abroampah, Ebenezer Boakye, Peter Paa-Kofi Yalley
Abstract: This study assessed the effect of quarry activity on ANANKWARI river in the shama Ahanta East of Western Region. Questionnaire administration and observations were used for primary data collection whilst rainfall and hydrological data were gathered to aid the study. Water quality analysis of samples from upstream and downstream were conducted. Data was statistically analyzed and with reference to WHO guidelines for drinking water, analysis was made. The study identified that the intense operation of quarry in the catchment since 2011 has resulted in the decrease of average annual discharge of 574796m3 in 2009 to 480252m3 in 2012. Physical and chemical parameters of all samples in the downstream showed appreciably statistically different values from respective upstream sampling locations. Most of the physico-chemical parameters such as pH, turbidity, color, temperature etc. of the downstream did not meet the WHO standards. This pollution attributed to quarry operation has affected downstream users causing skin diseases and chronic coughs for consuming the raw water. Public awareness with respect to the need to boil and filter the downstream water before drinking or bathing is significant. A hydro-meteorological monitoring network station must be established within the sub-catchment area to consistently determine the culminated effect.
Keywords: Quarry activities, Anankwari river, water quality parameters, discharge, catchment
Edition: Volume 4 Issue 11, November 2015
Pages: 1057 - 1062
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