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Case Studies | General Surgery | India | Volume 14 Issue 1, January 2025 | Popularity: 5.7 / 10
A Rare Case Presentation of Leiomyoma of Jejunum
Dr. Hemang D. Dave, Dr. Amrish P. Mehta, Dr. Ketan D. Mehta
Abstract: Leiomyomas are benign tumours consisting of predominantly smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue. Leiomyomas arising from the small bowel are rare, accounting for approximately 1% of smooth muscle tumours of the small bowel and involve the jejunum (44%),the ileum (37%) and less commonly, the duodenum (19%). Although most patients are asymptomatic, symptomatic patients are likely to present with abdominal pain, bleeding per rectum and acute intestinal obstruction with or without intussusception. A 60 year old male patient presented with chief complaint of mild, intermittent, localised periumbilical pain, mild grade fever, anorexia and weight loss. Patient has no complaint of nausea, vomiting, bleeding per rectum or altered bowel-bladder habit. CECT Abdomen showed report suggestive of asymmetrical heterogeneously enhancing thickening in left lumbar region possibly arising from jejunal loops with gall stone. Exploratory laparotomy via midline incision done and resection of mass containing bowel done followed by anastomosis done. Microscopic and histological examination along with IHC markers confirmed the diagnosis of leiomyoma of jejunum.
Keywords: leiomyoma of small bowel -jejunum
Edition: Volume 14 Issue 1, January 2025
Pages: 744 - 746
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