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Masters Thesis | Nursing | India | Volume 13 Issue 9, September 2024 | Popularity: 5.5 / 10
Effectiveness of Activity Therapy on Stress and Cognitive Status among Senior Citizens Residing in Selected Old Age Homes at Dindigul
Presithajency F.
Abstract: The traditional Indian family system has been changed to nuclear family, the role of providing safety and security for senior citizens have been shared by the institution such as old age home. The study findings of the mean post-test level of stress in experimental group 48.07 (SD+9.85) was significantly lower than the mean post-test level of stress in control group 104.33 (SD+15.56) and mean difference is 56.26. The calculated independent 't' value was 17.99 which was significant at p<0.05 level of significance among senior citizens. The mean post test score of cognitive status in experimental group 23.53 (SD+ 3.38) was significantly higher than the mean post test score of cognitive status in control group 18.43(SD+ 2.58) and mean difference is 5.1. The calculated independent 't' value was 7.06 which was significant at p<0.05 level of significance the mean post test score of cognitive status in experimental group 23.53 (SD+ 3.38) was significantly higher than the mean post test score of cognitive status in control group 18.43 (SD+ 2.58) and mean difference is 5.1. The calculated independent 't' value was 7.06 which was significant at p<0.05 level of significance among senior citizens. The Study result revealed that Activity therapy was effective in reducing the level of stress and improving cognitive status among senior Citizens residing in selected old age homes.
Keywords: Activity therapy, Stress, Cognitive status, Senior citizens, Old age home
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 9, September 2024
Pages: 1243 - 1249
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