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Student Project | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 13 Issue 2, February 2024 | Popularity: 5.1 / 10
A Case of Massive Hepatic Necrosis in a Patient with AFLP; An Interesting Case of Obstetric Emergency
Dr. Zico Da Silva, Dr. Ajit Nagarsenkar
Abstract: Background: Acute fatty liver in pregnancy (AFLP) is an obstetric emergency and carries high morbidity and mortality, including death in the mother and her fetus. It is characterized by maternal liver failure. Maternal mortality has decreased to 4% in recent years due to quicker diagnosis and immediate delivery. AFLP is not a predictable or preventable condition. Live failure, coagulopathy, hemorrhage, renal failure, and severe infection can be lethal for both the mother and fetus. Case report: Patient is a 30 yr old female referred from as a case of preterm labour admitted as Primigravida at 33.5wk (d) with preterm labour. USG was done and patient taken for emergency LSCS I/v/o suspected abruption. Postoperative patient had one episode of GTCS hypoglycemic seizure investigations revealed raised SGOT/SGPT. I/V/O breathlessness patient shifted to ICU intubated. Patient went into AKI started on dialysis went in DIC coagulation failure transfused accordingly. Patient expired on 7th POD. Baby discharged.
Keywords: AFLP, Hepatic necrosis, Liver, Preterm
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 2, February 2024
Pages: 982 - 984
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