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Research Paper | Medical Surgical | India | Volume 13 Issue 12, December 2024 | Popularity: 5.2 / 10
An Interventional Study Comparing the Effect of Oral and Intravenous Maternal Hydration on Third Trimester Idiopathic Oligohydroamnios (AFI Less or Equal to 5cm) and Perinatal Outcome at Umaid Hospital, A Tertiary Care Center of Western Rajasthan
Dr. Seema Kalasua, Dr. Hanslata Gehlot
Abstract: Background: Liquor amni is the baby?s "water of life" produced flawlessly from the time of first human being till today. Amniotic fluid is not a mere stagnant swimming pool but is in dynamic ever - changing state. It helps in fetal development. Aim of our study was to compare the effect of oral vs intravenous maternal hydration therapy in pregnancy complicated by oligohydroamnios. Method - It was prospective interventional trial conducted on 100 women. Results: Mean AFI in group 1 was 4.39+ - 0.71 cm before and 8.63+ - 1.87 cm after hydration therapy and similarly in group 2 was 4.19+ - 0.70 cm before and 7.85+ - 1.94 cm after hydration therapy. On comparing the two groups elevation in mean AFI was found statistically significant (p value 0.045). Conclusion: Both intravenous and oral hydration therapy increase amniotic fluid however consensus regarding ideal route, type of fluid is still loitering. Our study vividly shows that intravenous maternal hydration therapy with hypotonic solution is more advantageous than oral maternal hydration with glucose water.
Keywords: Maternal hydration therapy, Amniotic fluid
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 12, December 2024
Pages: 1133 - 1137
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