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Research Paper | Pharmacotherapeutics | India | Volume 13 Issue 12, December 2024 | Popularity: 5.1 / 10
A Prospective Analysis of Pain Self - Management Practices in Older Adults at Primary Health Centers in Komarapalayam, Namakkal District
Jerin Mathew M
Abstract: Background: Chronic pain is a common and frequently disabling problem in older adults. Clinical guidelines emphasize the need to use multimodal therapies to manage persistent pain in this population. Pain self - management training is a multimodal therapy that has been found to be effective in older adults. Materials and Methods: The cross sectional survey was carried out in people who were visited primary health centre during the study period and 250 responses were collected and documented. The data collected were analysed by descriptive statistics. The pain intensity was measured by usin wong ? baker faces pain rating scale. Results: The study found that, most of the participants were preferred Passive strategies for relieving of pain when compared to active strategies. The major passive strategies reported were rest (84.4%), stress relieving activities (15.2%), massages (9.2%), Heat and cold compression (6.4%) respectively. while the most commonly reported active strategy was exercising like walking (4.8%) and breathing exercises (4%). Using passive strategies increased the risk of having high levels of pain - related disability and more pain - related health care visits. Conclusion: The study concluded that, since more than half of the subjects were preferred passive strategies to reduce the pain, it is essential to advocate more attention to the community or population for improving the awareness on the importance of active self management of pain.
Keywords: Chronic Pain, Multimodal therapies, Passive strategy, Active strategy
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 12, December 2024
Pages: 159 - 169
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