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Analysis Study Research Paper | Health and Medical Sciences | India | Volume 13 Issue 10, October 2024 | Popularity: 7.1 / 10
A Descriptive Study to Assess the Emotional Problems among Senior Citizens Living in Old Age Home in Selected Districts of Himachal Pradesh
Kumari Nisha, Akshita, Anjali, Anshita
Abstract: Introduction: Aging is a natural process but at the same time, the aging population has substantially increased. Socially this stage is considered the total of one lived experience. Aims and objectives: The study aim to assess the emotional problems level among senior citizen living in old age home. To find the association of emotional problems with their selected socio demographic variables. Methodology: Non - experimental research design was used to collect data from senior citizens living in old age homes. Total 100 senior citizens were enrolled into the study by using purposive sampling technique. The checklist was used to assess the emotional problems among senior citizens living in old age home. Result: The result of the study depicts that after assessing the emotional problems among senior citizens living in old age home, out of 100 senior citizens, 46 (46%) had severe score, 54 (54%) had moderate score, and 0 (0%) had mild score regarding Depression and loneliness.35 (35%) had severe score, 64 (64%) had moderate score, and 0 (0%) had mild score regarding Stress and Anxiety.38 (38%) had severe score, 62 (62%) had moderate score, and 0 (0%) had mild score regarding Grief & Loss. The present study shows that there is no significant association between gender, residing area, religion, previous occupation, income, and the number of children with emotional problems among senior citizens at 0.05 level of significant. Conclusion: It was concluded that by this study we assess the emotional problems among senior citizens living in old age homes. The majority of individuals experiencing moderate level of Depression & Loneliness, Stress & Anxiety, Grief & Loss.
Keywords: Senior citizens, old age homes, Depression, Loneliness, Stress, Anxiety, Grief, Loss
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 10, October 2024
Pages: 1932 - 1935
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