International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
Call for Papers | Fully Refereed | Open Access | Double Blind Peer Reviewed

ISSN: 2319-7064

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Review Papers | Medicine | India | Volume 12 Issue 9, September 2023

Heart of the Matter: Understanding Cardiac Amyloidosis and Its Evolving Landscape

Chenga Mohan Krushna | Praneeth Ulavala [14] | C. Prabhakar Raju [11]

Abstract: Cardiacamyloidosis, a rare and often underdiagnosed cardiac disorder, represents a growing concern in the field of cardiology. This comprehensive review explores the intricate landscape of cardiac amyloidosis, shedding light on its clinical manifestations, diagnostic challenges, and evolving therapeutic strategies. This article traces the historical roots of our understanding of the disease, elucidating its various subtypes characterised by the deposition of aberrant amyloid proteins in the heart tissue. The introduction section provides a backdrop to the disease's significance, underlining its profound impact on cardiac structure and function, thereby contributing to substantial morbidity and mortality. Through a chronological exploration, the literature survey examines the pivotal moments in the evolution of our knowledge regarding cardiac amyloidosis. It delves into the epidemiology, etiology, and the multifaceted pathogenesis of this condition, offering insights into the diverse amyloid proteins responsible for cardiac involvement. The discussion section navigates through the intricate facets of the disease, offering a detailed analysis of the diverse clinical presentations, emphasising the role of advanced imaging techniques, such as cardiac MRI and nuclear scintigraphy, in early and accurate diagnosis. The discussion also explores the spectrum of therapeutic interventions, ranging from traditional management strategies to cutting-edge approaches like monoclonal antibodies and gene therapies. Challenges inherent to the management of cardiac amyloidosis, including timely diagnosis and risk stratification, are thoroughly examined. In summary, this review article aims to serve as a vital resource for clinicians, researchers, and healthcare professionals, offering a comprehensive understanding of cardiac amyloidosis, its challenges, and the potential for improved patient outcomes through innovative approaches and collaborative endeavours.

Keywords: Cardiac amyloidosis, Amyloid protein, Endomyocardium, Tissue biopsy

Edition: Volume 12 Issue 9, September 2023,

Pages: 1072 - 1074

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