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Research Paper | Mathematics | India | Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023 | Popularity: 4.4 / 10
Imploding Shock Waves on Explosive Driven Cylinder
Amit Kumar Ray, R. N. Shukla
Abstract: In present paper, we consider a cylindrical shell, whose thickness is very small as compared to its radius. An explosion (Pentaerythritoltetranitrate PETN) occur on the outer surface of the cylindrical shell. As we initiate the material; the initiation energy is negligible as compared to the chemical energy of the explosion, the shock is formed. The velocity of the imploding shock and detonation wave increases as they come closer to the axis of the shell, but they never reach the axis. Operator splitting technique has been used to analyse the flow. Imploding shock can produce ultra high temperature, pressure and density. Such rare conditions can be used to synthesize the material e g. from graphite to diamond.
Keywords: Shock Wave, Explosive, Cylinder, Pentaerythritoltetranitrate, PETN
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 8, August 2023
Pages: 779 - 781
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