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Research Paper | Management | India | Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023 | Popularity: 5.6 / 10
Emotional Landscape of Leadership: Exploring the Mediating Effects of Leadership Styles on Organizational Performance
Dr. Sumit Prasad, Srijan Pateriya
Abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this study was to look into the role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership and the mediating effects of different leadership styles on the relationship between emotional intelligence and organizational performance, in order to provide insights for organizations looking to improve leadership effectiveness. Methodology: A cross - sectional study approach was used, and data were gathered from 531 managers in the Uttarakhand state of manufacturing sector using self - report measures and judgemental sampling. The predicted links between emotional intelligence, leadership styles (transformational, transactional, and laissez - faire), and organizational success were tested using structural equation modeling. Findings: The findings demonstrated that emotional intelligence affects organizational performance favorably, with transformational leadership acting as a strong mediator in this connection. According to the research, transformational leaders with greater emotional intelligence are more likely to produce superior organizational performance, but the moderating impacts of transactional and laissez - faire leadership styles are less evident. Implications: The results imply that firms should emphasize emotional intelligence and transformational leadership development in their managers via training programs, coaching, and mentoring. Furthermore, the findings highlight the importance of organizations considering emotional intelligence as a critical factor when selecting and promoting managers. The cross - sectional design, use of self - report measures, context - specific findings, judgmental sampling approach, and unexplored variables that could influence the relationships between emotional intelligence, leadership styles, and organizational performance are all limitations of this study.
Keywords: emotional intelligence, leadership styles, transformational leadership, transactional leadership, laissez - faire leadership, organizational performance, manufacturing sector
Edition: Volume 12 Issue 5, May 2023
Pages: 2217 - 2224
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