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Case Studies | Ayurveda | India | Volume 13 Issue 2, February 2024 | Popularity: 5.1 / 10
Role of Agnikarma & Nasya in the Management of Ababahukaw. S. R. to Frozen Shoulder
Dr. Tapas Kumar Bera, Dr. Tribikram Panda, Dr. Shawan Barik
Abstract: Ababahuka is a vatakaphaja disorder, which may be correlated with a Frozen Shoulder because symptoms of a frozen shoulder are more or less similar to ababahuka. The symptoms of Ababahuka are shoola, stambha, and bahupraspandithara (decrease in the range of motion) of the shoulder joint. Vatavyadhi in general and Ababahuka in context can be treated by Nasya and Agnikarma (a parasurgical procedure) and was adopted to treat this case. A 48-year-old male patient has complained of severe pain, stiffness, and decreased range of motion of the shoulder joint for the last 3 to 4 months. The patient was diagnosed as Ababahuka of the left shoulder joint based on his history of clinical examination. The Nasya karma and Agnikarma can reduce the Vata and Kaphadosha which is the main responsible factor for Ababahuka. After 6 sitting of Agnikarma and Nasyakarma for 15 days (SodhanaNasya) the stiffness and range of motion were improved.
Keywords: Sodhana Nasya, Agnikarma, Ababahuka, Frozen Shoulder, Vatavyadhi, Nasyakarma
Edition: Volume 13 Issue 2, February 2024
Pages: 20 - 22
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